
The Fall of Man



No dragon can resist the fascination of riddling talk

and of wasting time trying to understand it.

- J.R.R. Tolkein

The Hobbit


dragon (n.)

early 13c., from Old French dragon,

from Latin draconem (nominative draco) "huge serpent, dragon,"

from Greek drakon (genitive drakontos) "serpent, giant seafish,"

apparently from drak-, strong aorist stem of derkesthai "to see clearly,"

from PIE *derk- "to see." 

Perhaps the literal sense is "the one with the deadly glance."



dark (adj.)

Old English deorc "dark, obscure, gloomy; sad,

cheerless; sinister, wicked," from Proto-Germanic *derkaz

(source also of Old High German tarchanjan "to hide, conceal").



The illuminated Adepts and their esoteric fraternities

witnessed the rising evil and saw that man was not

using his newfound knowledge for the good of the species. 

And so they hid their wisdom

 to keep it from the eyes of the unworthy.

- Dan Brown

The Lost Symbol




            He felt their presence before he heard or saw them, as if he could sense the mass of their bodies moving through the overlapping fields of energy enveloping the entire ship.  He couldn't tell how many of them there were, only that they had stalked up silently behind him.  They stood there, waiting. For what, he did not know. Louis added their presence to the equation, and made a fateful calculation.  He loved the woman, Phoenix, but he knew he could not allow this ritual sacrifice to take place.  He had to act. 

He started by doing nothing.  Only his chest moved as he inhaled deeply. Then, without warning, he sprang into action.  As Louis sprinted toward the child, he stole a quick glance behind him to gauge his pursuers.  Perhaps he shouldn't have.  In this instance, speaking of hindsight being 20/20 is somewhat ironic, since it is exactly Louis’ act of looking backwards that we are questioning.  Normally, this wouldn’t even be a discussion; being aware of your surroundings is rarely a misfortunate – unless that added awareness comes at a cost.  This time, looking backward caused Louis to lose his footing and stumble.  Mayhaps, if he had seen a mob of bloodthirsty cutthroats chasing him, he might not have faltered.   After all, that was exactly what he expected to see.  But he did not see pirates behind him.  He saw only one man. 

     Despite the storm, The Right Honourable Reverend Doctor Heronimus Jones stood stoicly unmoving  – dressed exactly as he was almost every day in black shoes, white stockings, black breeches, black cloak, black weskit, black vest, white shirt, and his black tricorn –  his hands resting on the red-jeweled pommel of his cane.  A crooked crescent moon grin beaming on his face, he silently observed Louis' ill-fated attempt to save Adam.   




had I been in a steadier mood

I would have found nothing whatever of terror in it. 

Clearly, as I realised a moment later,

it was the pastor; clad in some peculiar vestments

doubtless introduced since the Order of Dagon had modified

the ritual of the local churches. 

The thing which had probably caught my first subconscious glance

and supplied the touch of bizarre horror

- H. P. Lovecraft

Shadow over Innsmouth


Did you know that

Catholic bishops are actually high priests of Dagon,

the ancient fish deity of the Philistines? 

You see, the miter the bishop wears

is a replica of the costumes worn by the priests of Dagon. 

That’s right,

the priests of Dagon wore a head dress

that looked like the head of a fish with an open mouth,

and down their back they wore a long cape

that looked like the skin of a big fish. 

When you look at a Catholic bishop sideways

you can see the open-mouthed fish head,

and his cope looks just like that fish skin they wore! 

This proves that Catholicism is really just old-fashioned

devil-worshipping paganism, right?



you have been brainwashed,

that you are a naïve dupe of a sinister regime,

and the source of your information is art of a cover-up



With this came the Great Fall of Man.

- Dan Brown

The Lost Symbol




    Perhaps, if The Right Honourable Reverend Doctor had been standing there alone, Louis would not have stumbled, but The Right Honourable Reverend Doctor was not alone.  Louis had correctly sensed the mass of creatures behind him. Surrounding The Right Honourable Reverend Doctor was a crowd of oceanic monsters… a were-shark, a selkie/seal-women, a man with squid-like tentacles for arms and a vicious looking beak in the middle of his torso, a manatee, an oddly ichthyic dog-man, a beastly sea-bee-being thing, and other entities unidentifiable in the shifting electro-magickal light storm around the ship.  Almost as frightening to Louis was the fact that none of these demons were chasing after him.  Like The Right Honourable Reverend Doctor Jones, the monstrous crowd merely stood there, behind him, watching and waiting, beatific smiles on almost all their faces.  The only exceptions were in the far back barely visible – a seaman with the head of a goldfish, long fins instead of arms and legs, and using a starfish as an eyepatch over his left eye was focused only on the mermaid next to him.  She was a siren, with two long fishtails instead of legs and feet. Her eyes flashed invitingly at the fishman.  She grinned.  Her lips parted revealing rows of sharp sharklike teeth.

Confused, Louis watched them watch him for just a moment too long.  Too late, he remembered the direction of his momentum.  He turned his head back around to find the child, Phoenix, and the eyeless raven headed man were gone. There was nothing between himself and the ocean, but the wooden railing of the stern gunwale.  And then, not even that.  Louis stumbled as he tried to stop himself, but it was too late.  All he managed to accomplish was a half twist as he flipped overboard.   This accidental gymnastic feat allowed him one last unexpected oppurtunity to watch Phoenix as he fell into the sea.  Both she and the child peered over the gunwale after him, joyful smiles on their faces.  Louis read her lips as Phoenix mouthed three words. 

     I love you. 

     The child waved a mysteriously unbound hand as he yelled out to the falling helmsman. 

     "Good Luck!"    

     Louis de Lyon watched them long enough to see the eyeless raven man join Phoenix and the child at the gunwale.  The trio was quickly joined by the rest of the pack of sea monsters, who had removed the heads from their costumes.  Smiling familiar faces (Christian Love, Momma, Arthur Aquino, Robert Crane, etc.) watched Louis plummet towards the sea like an anchor.  Momma waved.  The blind raven stood still, wordlessly watching Louis’ fall.  The Right Honourable Reverend Doctor Heronimus Jones was conspicuous by his absence. 

     Louis braced himself for an impact with the water that should have happened long before.  The keel of The Brew D'Agon receded into the sky above him.  Seawater dripping from the bottom of the hull joined the rain and Louis in their descent to the frothing ocean still another fifty meters below.  As he fell, Louis imagined he saw a blue dragon, an obviously hysterical hallucination easily and rationally explained by the shifting shadows cast by the techno-magical phosphorescence of the flying pirate ship as it disappeared into the storm clouds high above Louis and the ocean still far below.  



When the stars were right,

they could plunge from world to world

- H.P. Lovecraft

The Call of Cthulhu


 lo, he is fallen!

is fallen


as he is slowly falling

and falling slowly

he is telling himself stories now,

don’t you know that way?

- Robert Anton Wilson

The Widow’s Son

And while we were yet in the Spirit,

the Lord commanded us

that we should write

the vision

- Doctrines & Covenants 76:28
