
The Flood & The Ark


the great deep burst forth,


the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 

- Genesis 7:11

New International Version Bible


     Louis gazed in awe at the wondrous sight before him. The jungle had given way to reveal a great coastal plain, half-flooded by the sea , where a system of dikes, ditches, walls, and mounds created a series of concentric ringed islands connected by raised pathways.  Louis stood still, trying to comprehend what he was seeing. What was the reason for such a vast building project? One of the gnomes noticed Louis’ confused look, and raised a hand, clapping the thumb to the four other fingers repeatedly — a gesture generally considered to represent a mouth moving either to talk or to eat.


     Confused by the apparent disparate meanings of a word and gesture similar to ones he was familiar with, Louis took a few extra moments trying to piece together the puzzle. Louis finally decided the gnome was trying to say that a flood had eaten away at the land.  Is the sea level rising here?  Is the land sinking?  Louis had no way of knowing.  He looked around for the familiar red cap of Apa Apa – maybe he can explain it better – but Louis couldn’t see the elder anywhere in the crowd of gnomes that was flowing out onto one of the main walkways leading to the central island.  It dawned on him finally; the earthworks formed the same shape as the cross the Apa Apa had shown him.  Information, previously unknown to Louis, dawned on him in a flood of blinding light. 



The next figure represents the so-called Cross of Atlantis.

This symbol is becoming current

among some adepts of occultism

due to its many mystic connotations.

- Arysios Santos

Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found

The Cross of Atlantis is in fact a map of Atlantis.

But there is a lot more to this curious symbol

- Arysios Santos

Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found

the crossed circle ⊕.

This simpler symbol dates from an extreme antiquity.

It was used in ancient Egypt as an hieroglyph whose meaning was “city”.

This symbolism also represented the sacred bread which

the ancient Egyptians used as some form of a Eucharist, in holy communion.

It also symbolized the body of dead Osiris,

himself an image of the Great Sacrifice and of the Eucharist as well.

In India, the Great sacrifice is Purusha, the Cosmic Man.

The Great Sacrifice is itself a personification of Atlantis-Eden,

the site of the great human sacrifice provoked by the Flood

- Arysios Santos

Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found



     This is the solar cross, and the ancient memory of the death of Atlantis.  When the sea level first began to rise at the end of the last great ice age, earthworks were built as both a practical and ritual response to the changing environment.  The earthworks raised the city as the waters rose. They channeled the water away from important sites, and even facilitated transportation by boat within the city. The builders based their construction on a symbol of the sun as a magical appeal to the solar fire to stop the invading waters.  After a meteor/comet strike half a world away triggered the earthquakes, volcanism, and massive tidal waves that brought the great civilization down in a single day and began the mass exodus that seeded civilizations around the world (and ironically threw the earth back into a mini ice age), this symbol was preserved as a memory of the sacrifice necessary to bring new life.  The people had prayed to the heavens for relief, and the answer to their prayers had been destruction.  Out of this destruction came new life, new civilizations.  Death was part of the cycle of life. This was the message they received. Interpretations varied.

The survivors sent out waves of missionary-explorers to search the world for safe havens to begin again. They found the world to be vast, and mostly empty of humans. The humans they did find, were different from themselves, and survived in a more primitive fashion. Atlantean science was highly advanced for the Paleolithic, but it was barely equivalent to neolithic technology. The Atlanteans’ ability to navigate the waters beyond the sight of land by using the stars, their knowledge of pottery and building, their rudimentary beginnings of metalwork, their mastery of animal husbandry, and their agricultural genius were unparalleled for thousands of years after their fall. Some of these traditions had been inherited from the earlier inhabitants of Sundaland, Atlantis, and the surrounding islands, an older pre-human population with which the Atlanteans had coexisted and interbred for thousands of years. In other regions of the world, humans had mated with distinctly different pre-human populations, creating distinct regional differences in humanity. The Atlanteans’ technological superiority made them appear as gods to the varied tribes of humanity they encountered.

Individual motivations varied. Many of these new “gods” did not seek out new lands to enslave. They sought out new lands in which to simply survive and thrive. When the Atlanteans first began to explore their world, many of them shared their science and taught civilization to all they met. After the cataclysm which destroyed their home, something changed. More and more, the Atlanteans became desperate and bitter. The primitive humans came to be seen as beasts instead of merely different tribes of humans. The Atlanteans drove them off with the other wild beasts, or domesticated them into beasts of burden. The Gods had sacrificed Atlantis to build a new world. The new Atlantean “gods” would also sacrifice their worshipers to build their new world. This was the beginning of the ancient god-kings and their enslavement of their fellow humanity.  Thus began the great cycle from which humanity has never broken free. 

This was also the beginning of those who would set us free; for not all who fled the dying civilization were corrupted by their new-found god-like status, and these fallen “angels” resolved to return the other tribes of humanity to their former status as equals.  Thus did the “gods” bring war unto the world.  Ever since has the battle raged.  Something is about to change, again.  



9600 BC – the epoch of Gobekli Tepe

where many of the same symbols are found

and where, although we have no surviving legends,

the signs of a civilizing mission

in the form of the sudden appearance of agriculture

and monumental architecture are everywhere to be seen? 

The implications, should I ever be able to prove

this hypothesis, are stunning. 

At the very least it would mean that some as yet unknown

and unidentified people somewhere in the world,

had already mastered all the arts and attributes of a high civilization

more than twelve thousand years ago in the depths of the last Ice Age

and had sent out emissaries around the world

to spread the benefits of their knowledge. 

Who might these shadowy emissaries have been, these sages,

these ‘Magicians of the Gods’

- Graham Hancock

Magicians of the Gods


When scientists are able to validate myth,

an earthshaking break-through takes place. 

Narrative, hardly more than folktale, is confirmed by research,

which itself is fleshed out with the details of physical evidence. 

The result is recognition of a powerful, self-corroborating truth:

the transformation of legend into reality – a supreme discovery. 

Such a dramatic realization occurs in the quest for Mu

- Frank Joseph

The Lost Civilization of Lemuria


the first Professor of Archaeogenetics at Leeds University,

who led the interdisciplinary research team, said:

“I think the study results are going to be a big surprise

for many archaeologists and linguists



The idea that we once lived at the bottom of today’s seas

is one that easily fires the human imagination. 

What is more surprising, and until recently poorly recognized,

is that there remains an extensive archaeological record

of early human settlement on the seabed

and sub-seabed of our continental shelf seas.

- Beneath the Waves-244.pdf


When people are first told that

there are thousands of prehistoric sites on the sea floor,

human settlements and places of occupation

ranging from 5,000 to more than 100,000 years old,

their first reaction is often incredulity or skepticism

(Bailey and Flemming, 2008).  This reaction is usually the case

both for expert archaeologists and the general public alike. 

How can it be true that fragile unconsolidated deposits

of human remains, charcoal, food debris, scattered stone tools,

debitage fragments of waste from flint knapping, wooden hut posts,

and bits of bone or fragments of wooden canoes survive

first the process of post-glacial rising sea levels

and transit through the surf zone,

and then thousands of years submerged

under present oceanic and coastal conditions? 

How and why do they survive,

and how can we discover their most probable locations? 

Can we predict their location?

- Beneath the Waves-244.pdf


of course

an X

that marks the spot 


the crossed circle ⊕.

- Arysios Santos

Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found

The crucial parameters

in the search of Lost Atlantis

are the dates and the submergence depths. 

If the archaeological objects can be dated – and they often can,

if really authentic and really crucial work is done –

the date has to be consistent with the Pleistocene ones of Plato. 

And their depth has also to be correct,

and should lie at around 50 meters or so,

the depth which corresponds to the right date given by sea level rise. 

All the rest is sheer illusion and must not be accepted

unless they can be verified and validated in some independent way.

If these two parameters – time and submersion depth – are not acceptable,

the artefact must be dismissed as a priori impossible by all serious researchers. 

This, unless some reliable explanation is offered for the discrepancy. 

And this has to be compelling enough

to convince the scientific community at large,

if we in fact want to earn both their respect and recognition.

Unbiased scientific recognition for Atlantis and related issues

is extremely difficult if not impossible to get nowadays. 

But it is ideally required, unless the find is so compelling

and so unequivocal as to be irrefutable and convincing by itself.

The science of Atlantology is fast becoming

a politically-correct academic discipline. 

And it has already started a revolution

which cannot be stopped anymore. 

This revolution promises to radically change

the whole outlook of the Human Sciences in general,

and of Anthropology and Religion in particular. 

As is clear, what was once deemed sheer legend

is fast turning into hard scientific fact,

given the recent advances in marine archaeology

and in reliable radiocarbon dating, etc.. 

- Prof. Arysio Santos

Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found


recent findings point to the submerged

Sundaland as the probable cradle of Asian population:

thus the “Out of Sundaland” theory. 

A study from Leeds University

and published in Molecular Biology and Evolution,

examining mitochondrial DNA lineages, suggested

that humans had been occupying the islands of Southeast Asia

for a longer period than previously believed. 

Population dispersals seem to have occurred at the same time

as sea levels rose, which may have been driven by climate change –

the effects of the drowning of an ancient continent.



We can only anticipate that even more remarkable finds

will be made in the forthcoming years,

now that the true location of Atlantis is known for sure,

at least to believe the many adherents of my theory.

- Prof. Arysio Santos

Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found


Dr Oppenheimer, from the Oxford University School of Anthropology, said:

‘One of my main predictions in the book

was that three major floods following the ice age

forced the inhabitants to escape in boats

and flee to less flood-prone regions. 

By examining mitochondrial DNA

from their descendants in Southeast Asia and the Pacific,

we now have strong evidence to support the flooding theory

and this is possibly why Southeast Asia has a richer store of flood myths,

more than any other region in the world.’

Dr Oppenheimer’s book, based on multi-disciplinary evidence,

writes about the effects of the drowning

of a huge ancient continent called ‘Sundaland’

(that extended the Asian landmass as far as Borneo and Java). 

This happened during the period 15,000 to 7,000 years ago

following the last Ice Age. 

He outlines how rising sea levels in three massive pulses

caused flooding and the submergence of the Sunda Continent,

creating the Java and South China Seas

and the thousands of islands that make up Indonesia

and the Philippines today.



And all specialists well know that such catastrophic events

set back the species, rather than improve them. 

So, how could this terrible global cataclysm be an exception

to this well-known evolutionary rule?

- Prof. Arysio Santos

Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found


in our beginning again

it seems we had the guidance,

the leadership, the teachings,

and the high wisdom of “the Sages,”

“the Shining Ones” –

those “Magicians of the Gods”

– who had survived from antediluvian times

and whose mission was to ensure that

all was not after all lost.

- Graham Hancock

Magicians of the Gods


Shipbuilding was

connected with some dimension

of this activity, but in a way

unknown to almost everyone.  


the ships raised their sails,

the swimmers continued

to teach

- Idries Shah

The Sufis



- Book of Enoch 64:10



     Louis was jostled back to awareness of his physical surroundings by the tail end of the parade of gnomes pushing past him. The gnomes continued marching down the walkway leading to the center mound island where earth and stone had been used to build a massive platform that towered above the surrounding landscape/seascape.  In the middle of the platform, a crude statue of logs and bundled sticks had been erected in the form of a bullheaded man reaching for the heavens.  The monster’s outstretched arms of bundled tree limbs, grasping at the sky, paralleled the crescent arc of its horns.  Louis had a sense of déjà vu, as if he was entering a moment in time that was somehow simultaneously both (and between) reality and a dream.

     The adults of the tribe settled into a semi-circle circle around the front of wood-stack idol, most squatting but many sitting and a few even languidly stretched out, basking like reptiles on sunbaked rocks.  Only the adults were present, Louis noted. The children of the tribe were conspicuously absence.  An elder woman took hold of Louis’ hand and patted the ground, an invitation and a command.  Louis squatted next to her, as he quite willingly obeyed.  He would have done what she asked even if he’d been given a choice in the matter.

     As he sat, the drums, which Louis still had not seen, fell silent.  A hush descended upon the tribe as they waited expectantly for some thing.  Even the birds and insects were reverently mute.  Somewhere in the crowd an unknown gnome began to hum a monotone.  One by one, the rest of the tribe matched the sound.  Finally, Louis could resist the urge to join in no more.  He began to hum in tune.  As soon as he did, as if on cue, all the gnomes stopped humming immediately and stood up.  Instantly self-conscious in the sudden silence, Louis glanced around at the assembled throng. 

     All the gnomes faced the same direction as the idol, to the east, to the rising sun.  The rustling and shuffling of movement were the only sounds from the otherwise silent crowd as it parted like the biblical sea to create a clear path for the procession that now approached the towering sacrificial idol.  A bit taller than the average man – five foot four inches being approximate average height in the 18th century –, here Louis was a giant; not exactly Gulliver among the Lilliputians, more Goliath among the Philistines.  He stood chest deep in the metaphorical sea of gnomes – a people whose median height was just less than three and a half feet.  There was no need for Louis to climb a tree to see the holy procession.  He had only to stand and turn to face it. 

     Hidden on the edge of the forest, surrounding the ceremonial field, the sacred drums returned to their pounding rhythm.    




My heart beats

boom boom boom

Boom boom boom,

- X Ambassadors


boom, boom, boom

- Peter Gabriel

Solsbury Hill


follow the drum

- Beck

Heart is a Drum

