



years ago

a power that could change the course of history was lost.

Generations have searched for it,

but no one has found a clue

until now.

- an advertisement for

Adventures of Tintin



     If  you're lucky, you will stumble across a story so incredible it must be shared.  Sometimes, afterwards, you discover the story intentionally stumbled into you like a pickpocket bumping a mark to mask some sleight of hand.  Sometimes, despite all intentions, you and the story crash together like two ships lost in the fog, hulls shattering and merging into a singular twisted mass as you both slip under the waves as one. 

     Years later, a fishing vessel finds a sunburned and waterlogged survivor clinging to a barnacle-encrusted piece of driftwood.  The half dead sailor mutters nightmarish gibberish; the few coherent phrases are fragments of a map leading to a lost paradise, a sunken utopia.  His delirious mumbling are dismissed by most of the crew as no more than the garbled fantasy of a fevered imagination; but a few seamen notice the water-logged seafarer’s ramblings match the tales of other shipwreck survivors and the odd fishermen’s foggy memories of dreams haunted by drowned mariners.  Soon whispered rumors of mermaids and Atlantean treasure hordes begin to circulate among the superstitious and the cognesceti.   These changes in the currents of consciousness are sensed by the denizens of the Deep – those souls who have slipped beneath the waves, drawn water into their lungs, and now breathe air no more. And they send kraken tentacles grasping – suckers slurping about – to drag their prodigal child home again. 

     Wait.  What was that?  Do you hear it, too?  Did you feel a bump and nudging as if a sea-monster had just latched onto a ship?  Can you hear giant tentacles rasping against the wooden hull?  No?  Maybe it’s just me.  Maybe I’ve had too much coffee.  D’Agon fhtagn.




paranoid fiction is written in a way so as to imply that

the story may be only a delusion of the characters

- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranoid_fiction


the reader must decide on each page

‘How much of this is real and how much is a put-on?’”

- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerilla_ontology


As for seriously-written books

on dark, occult, and supernatural themes —

in all truth they don’t amount to much.

That is why it’s more fun to invent mythical works

- H. P. Lovecraft 


 “It’s all a joke. 

It’s all a fuckin’ joke.”

- The Comedian in Watchmen (movie)


Artists use lies to tell the truth.

-V is for Vendetta (movie)


Concealed within those pages,

there hides a wondrous secret.

- Dan Brown

The Lost Symbol


Examine this book, ponder the meaning

we have dispersed in various places and gathered again;

what we have concealed in one place

we have disclosed in another,

that it may be understood by your wisdom.

- Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

De Occulta Philosophia


Use the map to find the key.  

Use the key to decipher the map.

- W. H. Kidder

Tales of The Brew D’Agon



- R. A. Wilson 

The Widow's Son

